We moved yesterday.
I think we are pretty exhausted since I'm laying in my bed with my pjs on and it's not even 9pm.
My mom came and helped and I think if she hadn't I'd still be packing plates in my kitchen up to my knees in boxes and garbage. She came and work work worked and then when she was done she took the kids out and kept them entertained while Logan and I got the truck loaded and unloaded, with the help of many wonderful people.
This week has been really hard on this little guy. He has been completely exhausted and has not been happy to leave his one and only home. When we got to the new place he wandered around bumping in to boxes and bruising his head over and over again. He was babysat a lot this week and has started to develop some extreme separation anxiety. And on top of that I think he is teething. I hate that you never really know when a kid is teething sometimes.
We have been living in a mess for the last week and a half but at least there is a light at the end of the tunnel now. The only room officially and completely unpacked and in order right now is the new master bathroom. It gives new meaning to the word 'restroom' now I guess. I keep finding myself wandering in there to just enjoy the order for a second.
Grandma found this ice cube maker in the kitchen and filled it with Cheerios to keep Tommy occupied...which was a fun idea but it mostly kept him occupied spilling instead of snacking. Hehe!
Elsy had mixed feeling s about the new house but seems t be enjoying it. I did get sad today because she was watching home videos and a video came up of us at the old place. She said she wanted to go back there. :( She has been a trooper and was singing to Tommy last night to try and help him sleep.
We had eight wonderful people show up to help load the truck and six more to unload. I had to take this picture (even though it is bad quality) of the seven people it took to get the dining room table out the front door. I tried not to let them see me smiling...
Here is the new place! I was super nervous for the kids to share a room but last night wasn't so bad. I just sang to them for a long time and they woke up about an hour earlier than normal but it was expected. Tonight they went down even faster... I'm hopeful it will be alright.
This week my scripture I focused on was D&C 88:125, "And above all things, clothe yourselves with the bond of charity, as with a mantle, which is the bond of perfectness and peace." I tried to love my kids and Logan a little better this week, as if I was putting a piece of clothing on that made me love more. It was a really good experience. I found myself doing a better job of explaining things to Elsy when we had misunderstandings and taking a deeper breath when I was feeling impatient. It was really helpful to think of this scripture this week for me. I did have a funny experience, though. Logan was at a late night meeting for the startup and I was trying to get the kids bathed and in bed. My back always starts to hurt during bath time because of leaning over the side of the tub, Tommy usually gets pretty fussy because it's the last thing we do before bed time (and also jealous because he has to get is out first), and Elsy always seems to get rather rambunctious and crazy because she knows I'm trying to hurry because Tommy is clearly melting. This particular day Tommy was trying to lay on me while I was trying to get Elsy's clothes on and my back was hurting. Elsy was laughing obnoxiously and Tommy was whining and laying on my shoulders and trying to grab my hair and I could feel that impatient feeling welling up inside me and it was about to burst out. Luckily I remembered my scripture and took a deep breath. Then that quote came to my mind that says something along the lines of, "They will never adore you his much ever again." So I tried to enjoy the moment of Elsy giggling and Tommy wanting to cuddle me...but the wrestling match reached a pinnacle point where I fell over from trying to balance Tommy on my entire right side and get Elsy's legs into her pjs at the same time. And I just started laughing because in all my trying to enjoy the moment I just realized that this actually WAS a crazy moment and I was being stupid for trying to enjoy it. So I just started to laugh at my lofty ambitions. Anyway.
I already miss our old ward! Our new one was very welcoming but the kids were just a mess because of the 1pm meet time. I may have said we are never going to church again today, but I'm not sure how serious I was quite yet. :P
We have a busy week lined up for us of needing to unpack, stock up the new house, and finish cleaning the old house. We are trying to enjoy the little things about the new apartment but are sad to leave the spacious home we were so blessed to get to live in. It's a new chapter for sure and it hasn't all set in on me yet. I think we are ready for a break.
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