Sunday, February 7, 2016


Hello hello.

We are mucho busy here at the Bean household packing to move, cleaning, launching the startup, and preping for a Relief Society activity! Not to mention that dumb dresser I decided to do right before the move. (my eyes just rolled so bad I had to go pick them up off the floor over there by the TV).

So this post is going to be super quick because my other goal for tonight, besides this blog post, is to update the Activity Day's binder so I can pass it on to the next qualified leader!

Elsy is in a toddler play group that includes six littles from our ward that are only each a month a part for like five months, two in one month.  We rotate houses every Monday and we had our last rotation at our house this week.  The kids are to hilarious and started making a train on our slide.  We have Emily, Rowen, Preston, Asher, and Elsy... sadly Parker was sick so he wasn't there for the picture. 

Its always a pig sty but we love it... and I especially love the weeks off so I can get stuff done! ;)

We made several trips to Home Depot and Fred Meyer this week getting cleaner, paints/stains for the stupid dresser, light bulb replacements, and the like.  I told Elsy to pose and she did this... they are hilarious.  Also I wish all stores had seats like this cart.  It was perfect.

Tommy had his one year checkup this week.  It was discovered after his long cold he had a double ear infection.  To sad.  And on top of that he is teething like no other.  I'm pretty sure he spent an entire day or two crying... and maybe I am exaggerating a hair but seriously.. when your baby is crying a lot it feels like it will never end... and it often doesn't because then they cry all night. Another lady was at the doctors with a 2 week old getting their check up.  I asked how she was doing and she said, "Oh you know, still in that sleep deprived stage!"  I couldn't help but feel bad for her because I don't think she realized the sleep deprived stage never ends.  It's not a stage, it's a new way of life.  I don't think everyone is aware of that before they jump into this whole kids business.

Tommy is 31.25 inches long (93 percentile), 23 lbs 9 oz (82%), and his head is 19.5 in (100%).  My kids heads are always off the charts when they show me the graph in the office.  He got three shots which was oh so sad.

Elsy loves the doctor's office when she isn't the one getting seen.  She loves Dr. Bilger and chats her ear off so we can hardly get a word in to each other.  We brought her some sunflowers because we liked her so much and were sad we were moving away. (Yes that is Tommy holding onto the drawer handle and bouncing as fast as he can while yelling... he really is giving us a run for our money.)

I'm always looking for restaurant coupons in the mail and this weekend we went to DQ for some blizzards and cones.  Elsy just lick, lick, licks ice cream cones and suckers so slowly that we can hardly stand it.  The Daniel Tiger song we are focusing on right now is "When you wait, you can play, sing, or imagine anything." because Elsy is having patience problems... and maybe I am too.

Tommy got lots of bites of our blizzards.  He has the funniest expressions!  Logan and I decided it might be worth the extra few dollars to go to Red Mango instead of DQ next time.  But I felt guilty saying that because we got our Mini Cooper from DQ and a part of me feels like we need to have a blizzard now and then just to pay our dues back from the Mini Blizzard Treatment.

Tommy's top two teeth are still coming in and aren't long enough to be seen very often.  If you look really closely in this picture you can see them and the cute little gap he has.  His gap matches my old gap from when I was little.

My goal this week was to not use the word 'hurry' because, I yet again reminded myself, that I hardly ever need to be in a hurry.  And really, when I am in a hurry I don't think I get out the door any sooner than if I wasn't in a hurry.  I kept reminding myself to relax and have fun.  I think I have been feeling a little frantic in my brain about all the things I need to get done before we move next week (especially after I finally decided to write it all down and had a To Do list that was 4 pages long! - refrigerator to do list pages, not regular pages) and so I just feel like I need to hurry throughout my day.  Anyway, still working on that one!  Have a nice week!

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