We are adjusting, slowly but surely to our new abode.
I spent the entire day yesterday cleaning the Hilton's house. As I vacuumed the bedrooms upstairs I got a little sad... looking at the room Elsy would sleep and we would have little talks at bed time, the corner I rocked Tommy in when he was just born, those kinds of things. As I walked out I decided to take this picture. It doesn't look like it did when all our stuff was in it, but I thought it looked nice and was a good document of the place we called home for the last 18 months.
Logan watched the kids while I cleaned. When I got home Elsy's clothes didn't match and both of their hair was crazy... but they were happy and well fed and rested so I would say he did a great job.
Look at that bed head.
Tommy had a really rough few days after the move and I thought Elsy was doing really good but then I started paying more attention and I realized the subtle things that marked she was going through a lot of stress. Thinks like her carrying her teddy bear everywhere she went (it is her major comfort item), that sort of thing. And then one night I realized I hadn't been laying by her and talking with her like I used to at bed time (because it was hectic trying to get both kids to sleep together) so I did. I asked her if she liked the new house and she said, "Yes" and then I asked if she missed the old house and little tears welled up in her eyes and her voice cracked and she said "Yes!" It was so sad. But she has really enjoyed "sploreing" (exploring) the new areas.
At the beginning of the week our house was in shambles. I am happy to report it no longer looks like the above, although I am not ready to post pictures yet because there are still a few misc. boxes and I want to decorate the walls still.
The kids just love the porch. Elsy was quite skeptical the first time and was afraid she would fall off. But after seeing Tommy's confidence she warmed up and they spent a lot of time out there. One of the sad things I didn't realize about our new apartment is that it is right on a busy street that is quite loud. The kids have had a hard time adjusting to the road noise at night and during naps but I think we are making progress.
I was super worried about them sharing a room together and the first two nights actually weren't to bad, but it has gotten quite a lot worse. The last two nights in a row I was up for almost 3 hours straight trying to get them to sleep. Right now I am to the point where I ignore Tommy's crying (because he can't get out of his crib) and if Elsy gets out of bed I just grab her by the shoulders and lead her back to her bed without saying anything. We had a crying fest tonight but they are both asleep finally. I sure hope it gets better because I am pretty darn tired.
I feel bad because living in a mess of boxes and not getting any sleep has kind of made me cranky this week. I realized I needed to snap out of it when yesterday I started playing with Tommy and Elsy asked, "Mommy, you happy!?" as if I never am. Yikes. She is so intuitive. She also has taken to saying sadly (and sometimes tearfully), "Mommy, you not being nice to me" when I am being impatient and bustling her to the side. I always feel sad when she says that, but I am also kind of grateful to her too because she calls my attention to it and I can take a breath and try and slow down and remember what is really important. Thank goodness for little kids... but it is still sad when she says it. :(
Last year I made all the Activity Day's girls this key chain to give them on their birthdays. Since there were leftovers I put one on my keys. I keep telling myself that I need to give this new area my all, to "Bloom where I am planted."
On Tuesday a girl I had met in my new ward called me up and asked if I needed help unpacking or if I just needed a break and wanted to go on a walk with our kids (she has a baby Tommy's age). I politely declined because I didn't want her to see the state of my house but also had a lot to get done. When I got off the phone instead of feeling happy and welcomed, I felt super sad. I tried to forget about it but when Logan got home I was laying on the floor with the kids and he said "Hi!" and I burst into tears. Poor guy. I had spent so much time telling myself the move was fine and a fun, new chapter of our lives that I hadn't let myself be sad about the friends and wonderful places we were leaving behind. I had been sad, but I had been blocking out the emotional side of it. It all came crashing down though and you would have thought someone had died with how much crying was going on. I realized I didn't WANT to be invited to a new ward because I had a ward that I loved back in Redmond. My friend Melissa had been the person to invite me out for the first time in Redmond and I didn't want this new girl to take her place, or the place of anyone for that matter (bless her heart though, I saw that new girl at church today and she really is a gem! and we really probably will be friends haha). So I had my meltdown. It is way super duper hard to leave people you love. :(
So then I have my key chain telling me to bloom and I kind of don't want to because its exhausting to cheerfully get to know new people and find new places to grocery shop (and even harder to find the food you like in the foreign grocery isles) and new parks and whatnots. Especially when you know you only signed a year lease to your new apartment so there is a high chance you will leave again soon all to start it all over again. Ugh.
But I had an amazing teacher at BYU-I named Sister Kay. I took her for several classes because I just loved her. She was harder than a lot of other teachers but I felt she truly prepared me for the future classroom. During my last semester on campus I took her for my Senior Practicum. I had had her two other times. She gave us this lesson on the first day of class and I realized I hadn't known anything about her and when she shared how she had experienced some terrible things growing up and became an orphan with her sister and how she had struggled with the church in her youth and all these heartbreaking things happening to her over and over and what she got out of all of that was she learned she needed to "bloom where she was planted." She gave everyone in the class a little pot of flowers and told us to do just that. She told us, "You are the only you and you are in the spot you are for a reason. Nobody else can bloom the way you bloom. Make the best of your situation." I realized if she could do that, then I could. That lesson has always stuck with me. So, even though it is hard I am going to try and bloom where I have been planted. We prayed about it, we know we are supposed to be where we are. God planted us here and he knows that only we can bloom the way we bloom. So I better make the best of it.
After two days of unpacking I decided to take a day off and I took the kids to the library. We lucked out because there was story time that morning. The kids were hilarious doing all the dances and lap songs. Tommy had so much fun but was also so bashful. And then Elsy knocked him down and he was screaming and bleeding in the echoing library. Aye yi yi...
Across the street from the library is a little fish hatchery. So we went and I let Elsy feed the fish her granola bar through the chain link fence.
On Wednesday I went to my very last Activity Day activity. :( So sad. Janalee, one of my partners, made me cupcakes with fairy dust sprinkle sparkles all over them. I just love her, and Lacie my other partner. I am going to miss them so much!
We went to the Family Discovery Center in the stake center behind the Seattle temple. It was such a fun place and I learned a lot! I want to go back. I found out I am 1st cousins with Benjamin Franklin... like 13 times removed though haha! We had a lot of fun finding out all the famous people we are related to. You don't have to go to the center to do that, though! Just go to relativefinder.org and log in. It is super fun!
This week was Logan's birthday! I didn't get any pictures sadly, just home videos. But we had a fun breakfast and then Cameron and McKenna babysat so we could go out to dinner together. We went to the Cheesecake Factory and I sneakily told waiter it was his birthday. He was so surprised when they brought our cheesecake with sprinkles and birthday singers. We had a great time together and I am always grateful for those times we get to go out just the two of us. The table by ours had a little kid that was causing a ruckus and we both laughed and said "I am so glad that is not us" at the same time. Haha, we must be married. Happy 28 Logan!
Every day we are unpacking a little bit more. Elsy and Tom's new favorite thing in this apartment are all the door stops. They sit and wack them and they make that funny "Doiiiiiing" sound and they laugh and laugh and laugh. I went around and super glued all the heads onto the spring part because I didn't want Tom to choke and die. Then I super glued my fingers to the super glue bottle. That was fun.
On Friday Tommy woke up with a fever and was so sad all day long and all night too. And then he woke up Saturday morning fine and hasn't had a fever since I think maybe it was teething related.
We went to IKEA to get some "housewarming gifts" as Logan called them. He got a new desk and I got a beautiful big houseplant to go in the corner of the living room. We also got new nightstands but I am not sold on them yet... and am wondering if I ever will be. Poor Logan, he spent so much time putting it all together.
We are hoping we can get back into the regular routine this week, although we still need to go back to the old house and clean out the garage still. I am ready to hang pictures on the walls to make this place feel a little more homey. This weeks goals: get rid of ALLLLLL the boxes, get the kids to sleep ALLLLLL night long without crying, and go ALLLLLLL the way to TriCities on Friday. Okay. Here we go!