Friday, February 14, 2014


Logan went on the Klondike with the scouts so Elsy and I spent Valentine's Day together!  We had lots of fun, especially at Value Village where we found a cute teddy bear rocker (it looks purple in the picture but it is really brown).

Logan and I celebrated Valentine's Day yesterday.  He he surprised me with tickets to see the Odysseo show by Cavalia.  Yippy!  What's that you might ask?  Well I'll tell you... It's a HORSE CIRCUS! I am so excited.  And if anyone wants to come babysit that would be great. ;)

I made crepes this morning, as usual.  It has become a tradition to have crepes on Valentine's Day morning.  Today I tried some pumpkin cheesecake ones.  They were pretty yummy, but Logan still likes the traditional ones best.  I'll post the link for the recipe to both later... Right now I think I'll have another crepe before I go to bed...:P

(It is now Feb. 15th and I just had more for breakfast.  Here is the recipe for the pumpkin cheesecake crepes and the originaloriginal creamy strawberry crepes.) 

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