Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Olivia's Blankey

Well it may have been a little late but I finally finished Olivia's blanket (my newest niece)!  I have been trying to crochet a blanket for each of my nieces and nephews... So far so good but now that I have my own baby it's getting harder to finish them on time.  I might just make a boy one and a girl one for each family and call it good.  We'll see. :)

I had to wait until they got it before I could post about it.  If any of you don't know, I love to crochet.  I kind of wanted to keep this one...just like I want to keep all of them, but Logan talked me out of it.

You can find the pattern here.

I don't have a picture of the blanket I made my nephew Ezra but here is the blanket I made my niece Hannah a year ago.

You can find the pattern here.

I started the blanket for Holly's baby a few days ago.  I am excited about it.  I have until May to finish it so lets hope I can keep on schedule before any body else gets pregnant!

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