Friday, February 14, 2014


Logan went on the Klondike with the scouts so Elsy and I spent Valentine's Day together!  We had lots of fun, especially at Value Village where we found a cute teddy bear rocker (it looks purple in the picture but it is really brown).

Logan and I celebrated Valentine's Day yesterday.  He he surprised me with tickets to see the Odysseo show by Cavalia.  Yippy!  What's that you might ask?  Well I'll tell you... It's a HORSE CIRCUS! I am so excited.  And if anyone wants to come babysit that would be great. ;)

I made crepes this morning, as usual.  It has become a tradition to have crepes on Valentine's Day morning.  Today I tried some pumpkin cheesecake ones.  They were pretty yummy, but Logan still likes the traditional ones best.  I'll post the link for the recipe to both later... Right now I think I'll have another crepe before I go to bed...:P

(It is now Feb. 15th and I just had more for breakfast.  Here is the recipe for the pumpkin cheesecake crepes and the originaloriginal creamy strawberry crepes.) 

Monday, February 10, 2014

The New Apartment

We moved into our new apartment at the end of November.  It's taken me a while to post a "tour" because I always forget to take photos when my house is clean.  Mondays are my deep clean days so I made a mental note to take pictures today. ;)  I also didn't want to post until I was done decorating but that could take a while so I gave up on that.  Aaaand if you want to play where's Waldo with Elsy... that could be a game for you while you look through our apartment.  So, without further adieu (?) .... Our apartment!

This is a photo of our apartment from the entryway.  There is a little hallway that looks into the dining room/living room.
The doors on the left are the guest bathroom and the laundry room.  To the right just around the corner are double doors leading into Logan's office.

The guest bathroom:

The laundry room/storage room:

Logan's office:
This was the one room that wasn't clean so I stole this picture off his Facebook page.  This is just one corner.  The other wall has my piano and a walk-in closet.  Logan got all this foam padding for sound recording but all I think it does is smell like coffee...and look kinda cool ;)

Those are the first 3 rooms... Then once you pass the mini hall you enter the living area.  All the apartments out here have fireplaces but we never use ours.  Elsy just likes to put her fingers in it and get soot everywhere. (Still don't have curtains for the sliding glass door.)

The living room, dining room, and kitchen are all connected.  I was a little surprised that our counters were a creepy green color because in the pictures we looked at before renting they were a light grey (like in the bathrooms).  It is just something I have to get over... They match the couches right?  We have a pantry which is behind the foldable doors and looks just like the shelves in the laundry room only they have food on them instead of miscellaneous junk. (Valentines's tabelcloth!!)

In the back of the apartment are Elsy's room, ours, and our bathroom.

Our room:
We gave Elsy the master bedroom because Logan liked the view.

Elsy's room:
My next project is Elsy's wall above her crib.  I just finished those curtains on Saturday. (I cut a shower curtain in half and sewed a hem and a loop for the rod).  You can't see the wall on the right but along that wall is Elsy's closet and changing table.

Our bathroom:

Has a linen closet...

Obviously it's raining.  Seattle weather.
To the left that door is a small storage room.  Something I really wanted was lots of storage space for baby things, my crafts, and Logan's gear (which is a lot of gear).  This apartment has TONS of storage with walk in closets in all the bedrooms, the pantry, the shelves in the laundry room, etc. and I absolutely love it.

So there it is!  Did you find the baby?  

Friday, February 7, 2014

Yesterday's Project

Yesterday I stained a picture frame!  My mom gave me this picture she used to have hanging in her front room a few years ago (although every time she sees it she says I stole it).  We have had it in our living room since we got married.  The frame has never matched the other frames in my living room so I finally decided to do something about it.  Here's what I did, you can decide for yourself if it turned out or if I ruined it... I'm still trying to decide myself.

Here it is... Pre-stain.

I sanded it down and used some handy dandy Rust-oleum stain (my favorite....although I have only stained something once before this *teehee*).  I also had to tape around the frame because for the life of me I couldn't get the back off the frame!

I let it dry overnight and waalaa!  It's a little shiny because apparently I didn't sand all the finish off and therefore it dried shiny on some places.  Ah well.  It's not perfect but I think it's better.  Now I just need to figure out how to decorate my mantle,  it's kind of hodgepodgey right now so if you have any suggestions let me know!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Olivia's Blankey

Well it may have been a little late but I finally finished Olivia's blanket (my newest niece)!  I have been trying to crochet a blanket for each of my nieces and nephews... So far so good but now that I have my own baby it's getting harder to finish them on time.  I might just make a boy one and a girl one for each family and call it good.  We'll see. :)

I had to wait until they got it before I could post about it.  If any of you don't know, I love to crochet.  I kind of wanted to keep this one...just like I want to keep all of them, but Logan talked me out of it.

You can find the pattern here.

I don't have a picture of the blanket I made my nephew Ezra but here is the blanket I made my niece Hannah a year ago.

You can find the pattern here.

I started the blanket for Holly's baby a few days ago.  I am excited about it.  I have until May to finish it so lets hope I can keep on schedule before any body else gets pregnant!