This week has been rather uneventful for our family. I feel like I have sort of been stuck in limbo a little because I have mentally put a lot on hold until after Friday (the day I get my laparoscopy done).
You know how you feel right before having a baby, most people call it 'Nesting', where you are just getting things ready, getting things ready, getting things ready? I kind of feel like that, only it is for a lot less time. I have been trying to get stocked up on groceries, clean all the nooks and crannies, set up babysitters, do laundry, etc. I guess those are the things I would normally be doing in a week but for some reason this time they just feel a little more stressful.
This Saturday was especially fun for our family though because my sister Kelsy and her fiance Brett surprised us with a visit! They stayed and chatted with us for about two hours, just long enough to have lunch, make wedding invitations (thanks Logan!) and play a game of Candy Land. It was fun to get to see them.
My friend Camille also invited me out to dinner that night. It was fun to just have a girls night, eat some yummy food at good 'ole Paddy's Pub, and window shop with a Jamba in one hand. She is a great friend and I love how down to earth she always is. She has so much self confidence and is so sure of herself. I guess if I said I wish I could be more like her in that regard it would show my weakness in my own self confidence! Haha! But she really is a great example to me and I had a lot of fun.
Another of my friends, BriElle, invited is over for a picnic lunch in her back yard. We had a beautiful day and both of my kids cracked out some shorts! Okay, actually, Elsy is always trying to crack out the shorts but I always make her change before we leave because it is always freezing. But I don't think Tommy remembers the last time he wore shorts because he seemed very confused and upset that the rest of his legs weren't covered. He cried and cried ans Elsy and I tried to explain that it was all going to be okay. I stroked his little bare legs and then Elsy's to show him it was okay but he didn't stop crying until I told him his cousin BooBoo (Ezra) wear shorts too. That made him feel a lot better. Anyway, BriElle was so kind to have us over and the kids had a blast with all her bubbles!
I really need to get a good picture of these two! Cache and Elsy are the best of friends. Cache is our neighbor boy who is also in our ward. He comes over (or Elsy over there) almost every day.. sometimes multiple times... I think today we went to their house and back to ours three times? Haha, I am good friends with his mom, Andrea as well. I have just loved getting to know so many wonderful ladies around these parts. I really struggled being away from all my sisters for a long time but it has been helpful to get close to so many people here.
Anyway, Cache and Elsy... they are quite the pair. They play so well together. On this particular day they were running all over the house gathering groceries in the grocery cart and they set up a house in my bedroom closet. They had a baby that would take naps, Cache went to work, and then they took the baby to the doctors office to get a check up.
We found some nice life jackets for the kids at Costco. Will my kids ever look at the camera?
I seriously can't get this girl to smile for the camera. Every time my sister Sharee gets out her camera for her daughter Hannah she strikes a sassy pose and makes a big ole smile. My daughter does stuff like this. Oh dear.
We went on a walk to get some fresh air one evening because we were feeling pretty cooped up because of all the rain. Elsy bawled the entire time because I had said we were going to the library and then changed my mind last minute because... well she was crying about something else I can't really remember. When we arrived at the black top there were some big puddles and she and Tommy instantly started giggling and puddle jumping. What is it with kids being able to change their moods at the drop of the hat!? And I'm still sitting on the sidelines fuming... Logan too this time. When we realized we both had a good laugh about it. Elsy and Tommy were having so much fun!... until Tommy fell on his bum in the mud. Then he was the one crying.
Elsy and I have started to have a few battles... mostly when it comes to brushing teeth and going potty. She always shouts, "I HATE going potty!!" when I tell her to go. We have been talking about how we can't make people do what we want them to (for example if Tommy doesn't want to play what she wants to he doesn't have to). So she has now started to cry while on the toilet and shout, "Mommy we can't make people do things!" which has really got me feeling guilty and like a hypocrite. But I feel like I have to tell her to go everyday because she never goes on her own and will hold it forever. I got to thinking about it a lot last night and this morning I told her we needed to have a talk. I told her that if she feels like she is old enough and responsible enough to go to the bathroom on her own then I won't make her do it anymore. She got an excited look in her eye while I told her this. I explained that she needs to listen to her body and if it feels like it needs to go she needs to choose to go on her own. Then I told her that sometimes I might still ask her if she needs to go, like before bed or when we leave somewhere, but I won't force her to go. And the last thing I told her was that if she started wetting her panties then I would know she wasn't responsible enough and I would need to start making her go again. It has worked so well today! She went several times all on her own. I think that is a great success.
The other win I feel like I had had to do with teeth brushing. Elsy always bawls the entire time I brush her teeth... unlike Tommy who just pops open his mouth and sits so perfectly. Anyway, three days ago I asked Elsy what she wanted to do if she didn't cry while I brushed her teeth. She came up with the idea of me hiding her stuffed unicorn in a hard place for her to find. I never would have ever thought of that, but it has been working really well the last three days. No tooth brushing tears! Yay! I am realizing more and more that as I include her in my conversations and have her help me with the problem solving, things are a lot easier because she wants to work with me as a team. I am so proud of her attitude.
I really like this kiddos hair sometimes. He is such a cutie! And he loves to tease so much I can't quite stand it. Sadly, for this kid I haven't gotten many wins in. Today Elsy was screeching and I came in to find him just trying to touch her while she tried to squirm away. He just loves driving her mad! He loves to say, "Mommy show you some-ting!" and then grabs my hand to lead me off to see something so tiny but is so important to him. He can hear and see the smallest things. Today he wouldn't come up the stairs into our apartment and as I came down he told me, "Got a spider!" and sure enough he had caught the most itty-bitty spider on a itsy-bitsy web thread and was not quite sure how to proceed. He is ever so fascinated with bugs and is starting to really care what outfits I pic out for him.. he usually wants to wear batman, spider man, or star wars. He found a stick shaped like a gun at the park and shot everyone and still loves to act out Link and Gannon even though we decided to put Zelda-Breath of the Wild away for a while.
I think maybe I do have one little win for him this week. I have discovered that if I let him have his Fa-doo (binky) then he will sit still and listen to me talk to him about Jesus or tell him about the scriptures. He had an owie on his hand and we talked about how Jesus has owies on his hands, too and he seemed to like that.
For family night we decided to go to Yellow Lake park because the sun was out. Logan has been getting out his slack line a lot now that the weather is finally getting warmer (I almost typed better but I stopped myself... it still rains a bunch and the grass was soggy muck so I couldn't say it was getting better haha... just warmer.)
It was a beautiful evening and the Caruth's showed up so it was a lot of fun getting to talk while the kids ran around and play. We daydreamed about making millions of dollars and moving to place where houses are cheaper and the sun always shines.
**Elsy is currently in the front room doing Cosmic Kids Yoga... she just loves yoga! Haha!
Logan took a picture of Tommy giving me morning snuggles while I tried to read my scriptures. Logan has been waking up early this week to get a lot of side work done and then get his hours in so that he won't have to work so much tomorrow after my surgery. So while I was just waking up I think he was completely dressed and showered and about to head out the door and had already been awake for like 2.5 hours. I was grateful that he was able to come with me to my pre-op consultation on Tuesday. The doctor talked about what was going to happen and what I should be feeling like afterward. I have been very worried that when they go inside they will find something worse than endometriosis inside... I am just that way though. I just let my brain go wild and I get really worried. The doctor helped to ease my fears a lot. We got out super early so Logan and I walked down over to the hospital to see where I needed to go to check in and stuff and then on the way back to the car Logan decided to treat me to some Starbucks for a late breakfast. We sat and he had a breakfast sandwich and I had a caramel frap and it was so nice to finally feel like I could breathe again. I had been so filled with anxiety and being there with Logan and getting to talk with the doctor made me feel so much better.
Last week I was really overwhelmed and anxious about everything but this week has been a lot easier for me. I am not as worried and more just ready to get it over with. I guess this time tomorrow it will be. That is a relief! I was having a really hard time allowing myself to calm down and not be nervous. Then I finally was able to have a prayer that helped me to feel calmer. It was in the morning and I asked Heavenly Father what I should read that morning. I felt prompted to read Helaman 5. It is one of my favorite chapters. A lot of people always remember the first part of that chapter where Helaman talks to his sons about building their foundations on Christ, which I love, but I feel like the second half of the chapter often gets overlooked. It is the story of Nephi and his brother Lehi being imprisoned and the miraculous conversion of 300+ people. If you haven't read it recently I would definitely suggest it! It is one of my very favorites.
As I read it I realized how trapped in darkness I had been feeling with worrying about the possibilities of not being able to have any more kids, possibly having who knows what else wrong inside, etc. In verse 34 it reads, "And it came to pass that the Lamanites could not flee because of the cloud of darkness which did overshadow them; yea, and also they were immovable because of the fear which did come upon them." I guess this was me a little.
But then it gave the answer of how to escape from the darkness:
"And it came to pass that the Lamanites said unto him (Aminadab): What shall we do, that this cloud of darkness may be removed from overshadowing us? And Aminadab said unto them: You must repent, and cry unto the voice, even until ye shall have faith in Christ...and when ye shall do this, the cloud of darkness shall be removed from overshadowing you."
"And it came to pass that there came a voice unto them, yea, a pleasant voice, as if it were a whisper, saying: Peace, peace be unto you, because of your faith in my Well Beloved, who was from the foundation of the world."
I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon. I am always able to find answers and comfort within it's pages. This time I was able to receive direct instructions on what I needed to do to feel peace in my life even when things aren't going the way I had hoped. What a blessing!