Saturday, June 6, 2015

Day Camping

Today we drove up to Ensign Ranch for a little day camping trip.

(I love this picture because Elsy is actually smiling.  She NEVER smiles for pictures!)

The day started out a little rough but once we got on the road things kicked into gear and we had an absolute blast.  We had a picnic lunch (okay we had Subway), took naps in our tent (okay Elsy couldn't fall asleep because of the birds and wind on the tent flaps so she and Logan slept in the car), went swimming (okay feet dipping anyway!), and then went on a hike (okay it was a 50ft nature walk).  The only thing we actually did right was canoeing!  We all fit!

We recently got a mini van and felt a lot more keen on just throwing things in the car to head out for a fun day trip.

I'm so grateful for a husband who thinks up fun activities to get us out of the house.  He is such a huge help.

And I had to throw in another one of these pictures because in this one LOGAN is actually smiling normal... And he NEVER does that for pictures either. ;)

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