Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Tommy's Drooling Problem

Tommy is a terrible drooler and spits up like a mad man.  Sadly Elsy was the same way.  I made her some bibs back when she had the problem but I unfortunately made them all flowery and girly.  So I had to make more this time around.

Some of these are a little more gender neutral colors.  And if you have had a spewer you know you can never have enough bibs.  I have more fabric and am thinking of making more.

Tommy sat in the Bumbo while I sewed and Elsy stood next to me stringing pony beads on a line of yarn. 

I had originally bought the fabric to make bandana bibs.  If you are thinking of making some don't because all they do is bunch up under your kids chin and hold the soggy-ness there.  And nobody likes chappy chins!

They were cute as heck though.

 I made two before I switched to a pattern I made up trying to resemble some bibs my sister gave me.

Hers were just some terry cloth and binding but I used terry cloth, flannel, and ribbon.  

Turned out cute yeah?

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Daddy Day

One day I walked into the living room and saw this.  I quickly snapped a picture.  This is the daddy of my kiddos. :)

I really love him.  He makes every day better.

While putting Elsy to bed tonight I had to shut the door.  Logan was making Tommy laugh to hard downstairs for Elsy to be able to fall asleep.

Logan and Elsy are best buddies.  They are always playing and talking.  I love how Logan makes everything a game for her.  The other day Logan let me take a nap.  When I woke up I asked him what he and Elsy did.  They watched Tinkerbell Neverbeast and then afterward played Gruff and Nix.  There were pillows everywhere and apparently they had made a fort.  

One of the reasons I fell in love with Logan was because he is just so gentle and sincere.  I have seen that in his parenting.  

I love watching him hold our little babies and sing them songs.  

Logan can make my kiddos laugh even when they are in the middle of the worst fits.

Logan is always helping me by getting the kids to bed, doing dishes, and helping in the middle of the night when the sleeping gets scarce.  

I snapped this picture about an hour ago.  Logan is so supportive in doing nightly family scripture reading and prayers.  He always makes sure we have family home evening and morning prayers before he leaves for work.

I couldn't have asked for a better dad for my children.  There are countless ways Logan makes a good dad.  Thank you Logan!  You da bomb.

And Father's Day isn't Fathers Day without a shout out to my own dad!  

I love him to bits and am so grateful for all he has taught me!  Dad has taught me to skin a deer, mow the lawn, make jam and cobbler, birth puppies, drive a car, and work a math problem.  He showed me its important to be patient, kiss your wife when you get home (even if your kids scream "EWW!"), listen, and find a way to make every situation fun.  It is because of my dad that I love animals and nature and enjoy going on drives to experience a beautiful night.  My dad continues to show me he trusts me by asking and listening to my opinion.  I couldn't have asked for a better dad.  I know he wants all of us kids to be happy in life and reach our hightest potential.  I love you Daddy!

And one more shout out to Logan's Dad.

You can't have as wonderful of a husband without him first having a wonderful dad.  I am grateful for all he taught Logan and all he continues to teach his growing family. :)

Happy Papa's Day!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Elsy Ann - Personality Pictures

My little girl turned two in April!  Wow does time fly and boy do we love her!

She is quite the diva and such a chatter box.  Her shirt says "I share my sparkle with the world" and she truly does.  I hope she is always as kind and genuinely happy with others as she is now.  She has a big, soft heart and I love her so.

Here are some shots of her to show you her little personality:

2 yr check up and nervous for shots.

Loves to read my scriptures!

Dare devil

She loves crawling into our bed on the morning when I want to sneak a few more winks of sleep or when I'm feeding Tommy she slips into bed with Daddy.

She always pops right back after falls and bruises and will tell us about them for days.


Here is her 2 year birthday picture!  She is so beautiful and just the sweetest thing.  Stop growing!!!

We love you to much Elsy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Temple Trip

Today we went to Deseret Book.  The only way I could get Elsy to want to come was to promise we would walk around the temple after.

It was such a beautiful day outside!

Elsy's Grandma Bean gave her a book about temples when she was born.  We read it last night so it was a good little wrap up of what we had been talking about.

I'm so grateful for temples and an eternal family.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Day Camping

Today we drove up to Ensign Ranch for a little day camping trip.

(I love this picture because Elsy is actually smiling.  She NEVER smiles for pictures!)

The day started out a little rough but once we got on the road things kicked into gear and we had an absolute blast.  We had a picnic lunch (okay we had Subway), took naps in our tent (okay Elsy couldn't fall asleep because of the birds and wind on the tent flaps so she and Logan slept in the car), went swimming (okay feet dipping anyway!), and then went on a hike (okay it was a 50ft nature walk).  The only thing we actually did right was canoeing!  We all fit!

We recently got a mini van and felt a lot more keen on just throwing things in the car to head out for a fun day trip.

I'm so grateful for a husband who thinks up fun activities to get us out of the house.  He is such a huge help.

And I had to throw in another one of these pictures because in this one LOGAN is actually smiling normal... And he NEVER does that for pictures either. ;)