Saturday, April 18, 2015


Today we slept in until 8!  Okay I was up from 5:30-7am and THEN slept until 8.  But hey, whatever.  But then we woke up and got productive!

We went on a morning trip to Home Depot and got some plants for our garden.  The people whose house we are sitting built a garden box on the side of their house.  It is just the perfect size for a little of this and that.  We did strawberries, tomatoes, spinach, sugar snap peas, jalapenos, bell peppers, romaine lettuce, zucchini, pumpkins, and cilantro.  I wanted to try my had a broccoli but when I got home I realized I had accidentally bought cauliflower instead.  Eww.  I didn't even plant them.  Does anybody want them?

I had my two helpers.  Both ended up getting filthy.  I understand how Elsy got that way, but I have no idea how Tommy did.  He had dirt all over his face!  Maybe it was because I kept putting his pacifier in with my dirty hands...

While I was planting, Logan was in the garage painting the kitchen we got for Elsy's birthday (which is in a week and a half!).  I am in a Facebook group called Buy Nothing Redmond and basically you post things you want to get rid of for free.  Anyway, I got this awesome play kitchen, fridge, table, chairs, and play food from one generous lady for freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  We are fixing it up to look more like a 'real' kitchen.  I'll do a post about it when it is done.  Anyway, check and see if your city has a "Buy Nothing" group because its awesome.  I get some fun stuff on there (like a side table and toys) and I also get to get rid of my junk.

I just loved how Elsy sat on the edge of the garden box and filled her little bucket with dirt.  She had little bare feet and dirt all over her face.  Love her to pieces.  And Tommy was so good all day sitting in his bouncer. :)

And of course, we had to get clean at the end.  And get pizza because we worked so hard.  Elsy seriously ate like 2 1/2 slices.  And a bread stick.  She can pack it.

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