Monday, March 9, 2015

Thomas' Baby Blessing

Baby Thomas was blessed on March 1, 2015.

Yay for family pictures!  (Except Elsy wouldn't put down her lovely roses....)

For those who don't know, a baby blessing is simply a blessing given to a baby by a worthy priesthood holder.  The purpose of the blessing is to give the baby a name that will be recorded on the records of the church.  For Latter Day Saint's it is not a christening or a baptism.  We believe that infants are born innocent and therefore do not need to be cleansed of sin because they have yet to have sinned.   Children do not need to be baptized until the age of 8, when they have reached the age of accountability.  If you want to know more about what we believe on this subject click here.

Both of our parents were able to come up for the blessing as well as a few of our siblings.  And of course Chris, Logan's longtime best bud.

These are the men who participated in the blessing.  Christopher Woodhouse, David Bean, Logan, Marshall Bean, and David Volmer.  The only one missing is Bishop Nathan von Niederhausern... and some random guy that we didn't know.  We had a good laugh after because we didn't recognize him and wondered who it was.  I am pretty sure he was a high councilman though. :)

Thomas looked so stinkin' adorable in his little blessing getup!

And of course, Elsy needed to be in a picture.  She is such a character these days...

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