Saturday, January 10, 2015

Deer Burger: The Brief How To

The Christmas season is not the Christmas season without a little grinding of some burger.  My dad and I do it every year and it always takes the better part of a whole vacation day.  But I enjoy it!  So it is still vacation.  

This year it actually took two days because we did more meat than we have ever done.  We ground up 8 deer!  Wowza!

Elsy learned to say the word "hambuga" very well and whenever she sees one of these pictures she says it and then says "mmmm da goood!"  She really likes to eat hamburger.

So here is how you grind burger in a quick nutshell.  First you have to let it thaw for way longer than you were planning (thus it took us two days this time).  Then you have your dad chop up the meat into hunks that will fit through the meat grinder while you shove the meat through the grinder.  In the end you get something that looks like the above.  We had so much this year we ran out of tubs and had to mix it all on the counter.  That is like 4 inches deep of deer burger people.  That is a LOT!

To take some of the game-y flavor out of the meat we make sure to cut out as much of the fat as possible.  Then we mix it with some pork meat from ye old Costco.

Then we topped the pork with some straight up beef fat.  We get the scraps from my brother in law's farm.  After that you get to mixing!  Logan helped mix for a while but after a bit our hands were frozen solid.  I can't believe my dad's stamina because he just kept right on kneading the meat like it was bread dough.

Once it is all mixed it has to go through the grinder again to even everything out.

Then it goes through the grinder a third time but not to be ground up, just to fill the tubes.  Riley helped out with this part.  (Look!  Dad and I are matching!)

We ended with quite a bit of burger!  It should feed us very well until next hunting season. :)

And of course we can't leave out a picture of the little peeper!  She would stand on a stool next to me and watch.  Love her and can't wait until she can help!

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