Monday, November 3, 2014

Everything Elsy

Okay guys, my little girl is officially a year and a half and she is just to cute to handle.  I just have to share her adorableness with you.  Here are just a few snippets of the last few months.

She didn't do that great at her 18 month check up last week but I just couldn't get over how big she was sitting there on the counter.  She loved the fish tank in the waiting room and that was about it.  However since then she has continued to tell me for several days about her shot, how she got her ears and diaper checked, and of course talks non stop about the fish.  Mostly this includes a lot of pointing, caveman grunts, and various other sounds but with me being her mother I guess I understand. 

That night she rocked it at the ward Trunk or Treat even though she had owie shots.  She quickly learned how to grab candy and say "Thank you!  Bye bye!" And put her candy in the bucket.  She was Princess Peach while Logan and I were Mario and Luigi.  

Elsy has started to become interested in what I am doing at the counter.  This day I found a stool and let her 'help' me cook a pumpkin roll.  She is so picky with textures and wouldn't try the filling but loved emptying the drawers.

For play group a couple weeks ago we went to the pumpkin patch.  It had been raining a lot so she got to wear her rain boots.  This was the first time she got to try them out and she discovered how to stomp in puddles.  Needless to say, she loves stomping in puddles now.  (No, she doesn't smile for pictures)

For date night we got Jamba.  And I have nothing to say about this picture besides look at her little fat cheeks!!

The last couple months have been full of boo boos and owies but Elsy still manages to smile through the hard times.  Sometimes I think the reason we can't remember those first few years is because we are mostly in pain the whole time (teething, sore muscles, trips and spills, and everything else).  Elsy is such a trooper and is usually up and at 'em again quite quickly.  

I love my little girl!  She is growing up to fast.  She is in nursery, is starting to say 'no,' and no longer likes to be rocked and sung to before bed.  :(  Today she actually fell asleep before I finished singing the one song she will let me sing her (You'll Be In My Heart from Tarzan....she begs for it and just says 'Tarzan' over and over if I try to sing another).  I got to just hold her and snuggle her.  She is such a blessing in our family and we couldn't be happier.

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