Sunday, November 30, 2014

A Forever Family

Two weeks ago my grandpa, VerNon Merkley, passed away after a long battle with Alzheimer's and heart failure.  It has been a very special time for our family and I thought I would share some of my experiences.

My mom, Elsy, and Grandpa.  Elsy really did have a good time, she just doesn't smile for pictures.

On the Friday before Grandpa passed away I got a text from my mom saying his condition (which had been rapidly declining) had gotten even worse.  I called and talked with her and when I got off the phone I felt very strongly that I should go home to help my mom with some of the things she was trying to get done and also see my grandpa for what could possibly be the last time.  My cousin David was also getting married that weekend.  I called Logan and he said I should go (he had a scout camp out and couldn't come).  I immedieatly packed my bags, loaded Elsy in the car, and away we went.  

I got home 10 minutes before a family prayer was going to be held at the nursing home my grandpa was staying at.  I am so glad I made it in time because that was the last time I got to see him while he was still alive. I arrived with my sister Leisha who is also pregnant.  My grandma gave us both a big hug and commented how special it is to see the two different stages of life right next to each other.  Two new loved ones arriving and one beloved departing. 

My Grandpa died early the next morning, November 15th.  Something that I am so grateful for as a Christian is knowing that when we die it is not the end.  The first thing I remember hearing as I walked into my Grandma's house, the day Grandpa died, was her laugh.  She was laughing as I walked through her front door.  I realized although she was sad, she had faith.  Faith that she would see her husband again and that they were married for time and all eternity.  She knew, as I knew, that Grandpa was restored to a sound mind and was no longer suffering from the ailments that claimed him at the end of his life.  She could laugh because even though she was sad, she had hope.  There were many tears shed that weekend but also many laughs as we remembered Grandpa's life.

That same day I went to my cousin David's wedding in the Columbia River Temple.  What an amazing experience that was in and of itself but to witness a marrige on the same day my Grandpa passed away was something really special to me.  In our church we believe when you are sealed by proper priesthood authoritiy, within the temple, you will be together with your spouse not only in this life but in the eternities to come.  Families are literally forever. 

 Seeing David kneel accross the alter from his beautiful bride and get sealed to her was special.  It reminded me of the covenants Logan and I made in that same room a little over three years ago.  And  I couldn't help imagine my grandparens when they were just starting off, doing the same thing.  Here was a young couple making the same covenants and promises my grandparens had made. 

The beginning and end of two different earthly marriages happened that day.  But it wasn't the end of an eternal marriage.  I am so grateful I was there to witness these events.  My testimony of eternal marriage was strengthened so much more.  When I came home I told Logan how glad I was to be there and experience them both in such contrast.  

We were able to go back the next weekend for Grandpa's funeral.  So many people gathered to pay tribute to such a wonderful man.  

In the sealing room of the temple there are two mirrors on opposite walls.  They face each other to form an eternal reflection.  Traditionally, after a couple is married, the sealer asks the couple to look into the mirrors as a symbol of their future together.  The sealer at David's wedding (who happenend to be my other grandpa) asked the couple to look into the mirrors and reflect on all those who came before them and then had them turn around and look at the other mirror and reflect on the posterity that was to come as a result of their marriage.  Seeing all the family that came to Grandpa's memorial service showed just how big an effect one marriage can have on this earth.  I am grateful that when I look back in the mirrors I can see my grandparents who helped pave the way to where I am today.  They give me hope for when I look forward in the mirrors.  Their example helps show me what I can do to lay a foundation for my children and future posterity.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Quiet Book : Cokoo Clock

My latest quiet book page was a cokoo clock.  Elsy absolutly loves the cokoo clock at my parents house.  Whenever she sees her Grandpa Volmer she says "Cokoo!".  It might mean she thinks he is cokoo.  But it also might mean that she just wants to see the cokoo clock and my dad is kind enough to change the hands just for her to jump and dance around excitedly. 

I had already wanted to do a clock with rotating hands to practice telling time.  I just added the cokoo bird because I knew Elsy would like it.

I made this page from scratch using some other pages I liked on Pinterest as starting points.  To make the numbers I simply cut out numbers I printed from the computer and then stitched around them, removing the papers after.  I really hate making button holes.  And I didn't have red thread for the button holes either which was a bummer but I didn't want to go the store again.  So, we have white button holes. :P

Monday, November 3, 2014

Everything Elsy

Okay guys, my little girl is officially a year and a half and she is just to cute to handle.  I just have to share her adorableness with you.  Here are just a few snippets of the last few months.

She didn't do that great at her 18 month check up last week but I just couldn't get over how big she was sitting there on the counter.  She loved the fish tank in the waiting room and that was about it.  However since then she has continued to tell me for several days about her shot, how she got her ears and diaper checked, and of course talks non stop about the fish.  Mostly this includes a lot of pointing, caveman grunts, and various other sounds but with me being her mother I guess I understand. 

That night she rocked it at the ward Trunk or Treat even though she had owie shots.  She quickly learned how to grab candy and say "Thank you!  Bye bye!" And put her candy in the bucket.  She was Princess Peach while Logan and I were Mario and Luigi.  

Elsy has started to become interested in what I am doing at the counter.  This day I found a stool and let her 'help' me cook a pumpkin roll.  She is so picky with textures and wouldn't try the filling but loved emptying the drawers.

For play group a couple weeks ago we went to the pumpkin patch.  It had been raining a lot so she got to wear her rain boots.  This was the first time she got to try them out and she discovered how to stomp in puddles.  Needless to say, she loves stomping in puddles now.  (No, she doesn't smile for pictures)

For date night we got Jamba.  And I have nothing to say about this picture besides look at her little fat cheeks!!

The last couple months have been full of boo boos and owies but Elsy still manages to smile through the hard times.  Sometimes I think the reason we can't remember those first few years is because we are mostly in pain the whole time (teething, sore muscles, trips and spills, and everything else).  Elsy is such a trooper and is usually up and at 'em again quite quickly.  

I love my little girl!  She is growing up to fast.  She is in nursery, is starting to say 'no,' and no longer likes to be rocked and sung to before bed.  :(  Today she actually fell asleep before I finished singing the one song she will let me sing her (You'll Be In My Heart from Tarzan....she begs for it and just says 'Tarzan' over and over if I try to sing another).  I got to just hold her and snuggle her.  She is such a blessing in our family and we couldn't be happier.