November is the season of thanks and over here at the Bean house we have a lot of things to be thankful for. I think we are constantly having to remind ourselves that cultivating an attitude of gratitude will help us through our rough patches. We have many wants and yet it is the things we already have that truly make us happy.
Tommy no longer naps and it is rare occasions these two both get a nap in but the did one Sunday this month. We have been putting them to bed around seven because Thomas gets so sleepy. But I am noticing Elsy would prefer to go to bed at eight. Tonight I put Tommy down and then let Elsy come lay on my bed with me while I read her the first chapter of Little House in the Big Woods. She loved it! As we snuck back into her room where Tommy was sleeping and up onto the bunk bed I asked her, as I usually do, what her favorite thing about today was. She smiled and gave me a snuggle and said, "This!!" It really was special. And it was nice to have one-on-one time with Tommy as I was laying him down to sleep and the cute conversations as he slowly got more and more tired.
Elsy fell off my bed this month and hurt her wrist pretty bad. After waiting until the next day we decided to take her in for an x-ray just to be sure, since it was hurting her so bad. Thankfully it wasn't broken, but it took all month for her to stop complaining about it. I think it must have been sprained a little, poor girl.
This month we also had a big slue of doctor appointments. Logan and I decided to go see an infertility specialist before the year was up and get all the diagnostic tests run before the insurance started over again in January. We had a really stressful week of appointments, tests, ultrasounds, blood work, and even another surgery. In six days this doctor did more and found more than my OB did in 8 months. They discovered why I probably haven't been getting pregnant. Dr. Kustin, my specialist, found polyps in my uterus during a hysterosonogram and scheduled me for a surgery called a hysteroscopy to remove them. I wasn't nearly as nervous for this surgery as the one I had in May. I definitely was stressed but we prayed and felt good about going through with the surgery. While they did much more during this procedure, the recovery time was much less than my laparoscopy in May. The reason they wanted to remove all the polyps and scar tissue is because it makes it hard and sometimes impossible for an egg to implant in my uterus. By removing it there would be a much higher chance of an egg implanting.
Logan worked from home that morning and I cleaned my house (the procedure wasn't until 2). I am always so grateful for Logan, he takes good care of me when I am nervous or sick. He handed me the stuffed elephant he got me for my last surgery as we headed out the door.
When I woke up from my procedure I realized I was already talking (which is bad because I have no idea what I said before I realized I was conscious) but I vaguely remember my nurse holding a cup in front of me and saying, "This is all the stuff we pulled out of you!" but I don't remember what was in it. She is a very kind but different nurse Logan and I agreed. She talked to Logan and told him, "I have assisted Dr. Kustin on thousands of these procedures and your wife probably made the top 50 of how much clutter was inside her uterus." So they cleaned me all out and the hope is it will help us on our journey to growing our family. Recovery was really quick and now I feel just fine! Modern medicine is such a miracle.
I was so grateful for the many people who helped watch our kids and served us during that time. We are so grateful for our ward family and for the friendships and love we have felt there.
Thomas has had a rough month for sleeping. After dropping his nap he was sleeping for like 13 hours straight at night. In the last few weeks he has been waking up, like clockwork, at 1:15 or so and has been staying up from 1-3 hours a night. It has been rather exhausting. He is just awake and cant put himself to sleep. I would keep putting him back in his bed and finally sit by him and just keep telling him to close his eyes - because that is the problem! He won't close his eyes! And if I ever could get him to close his eyes for a few minutes in a row out he would go. Ugh. So frustrating. The most frustrating night was when Elsy and Tommy tag-teamed it and kept me up for 4 hours in the night. Seriously, I can't say it enough that my biggest challenge with my kids as a mom has been getting them to sleep at night.
And oh my goodness, Tommy's toes are just so cute a fat! He loves it when I do "This Little Piggy" on him.
Logan planned a little Saturday outing for us after my procedure. We went to the Kelsey Creek Farm and to a Bellevue park. The weather was nice and we had so much fun together.
This whole month of Sundays has basically just been the kids and I. Logan has been at the church for Tithing Settlements all day long. He leaves before I get out of bed for meetings and doesn't come home until 5:30 or 6. We get a little lonely without him but we try to make things fun for ourselves by playing Candyland or watching church music videos. I just love my two little buddies to pieces!
Some Squid Kid poses before heading out into the rain!
We did dentist appointments this month and it was the first time for Tommy in the big kid chair. He got to watch Paw Patrol and loved the vacuum sucker that sucks out your spit and water from the water pick. Elsy got x-rays done and it was so funny to see her big teeth all just sitting there ready to come out! One of her front teeth we could already see is a little crooked so it was fun to imagine her with her big kid teeth.
This month we started up a play date group for Tommy. He has really been missing Elsy this year while she is away at preschool. This month his physical therapist said he was off the hook and doing really good improving mobility with his arm so we no longer have physical therapy to keep him occupied while Elsy is away. I kinda stressed a lot about organizing it but it all came together. There are just four kids in his group and we rotate houses and they meet once a week. He hates it when it is at our place because he has to share his toys (which is kinda the point, I want him to learn to do that) and he begs to not go to other kids houses but once he gets in the door he is gone and has so much fun. But when I show up he is out the door before me. I really don't understand him sometimes but I do know he is starting to love his little buddy Mason. :)
I braved an IKEA run all by myself. I set the kids up with a movie and handed them each a stuffed animal from a bin to hold onto until we left and we made it through with no tears and lots of Christmas shopping done. Elsy was sad to leave her rabbit so I let her take a picture of it before we left.
We went to Tri-Cities for Thanksgiving. Tommy was so excited all week to. Every day he would say "We are going to Grandma's today!" and I would have to tell him it wasn't for a few more days which would make him very upset. The day to leave finally came and he was to excited to eat his breakfast and followed me around trying to fill suitcases.
We got there in time to help make a few pies but I felt bad because I really didn't help with cooking as much as usual. We found a wig in my parent's storage room. Logan told me he was Chip Gaines and Tommy, who has had little interaction with wigs, said, "Is this a hair hat?!" When I had it on he looked at me and said, "Mommy, is that you?"
We went to walk around the track at Cheif Joseph while my sister Kelsy's husband, Brett, played turkey football. It sure was a windy morning but there was a beautiful rainbow. I wish this picture was bigger to show Elsy's enormous smile. Sadly, at another park, my other brother-in-law Matt dislocated his finger while catching the football so badly that the bones popped out of the skin. We were thankful it wasn't broken but he did end up with some stitches and a very swollen finger.
My Grandpa and Grandma Volmer always reserve the stake center for our Thanksgiving festivities. I still have wonderful memories of running around with my cousins, playing volleyball, bump, doing relay races, playing dodgeball, playing parlevu frances, and being dragged around the hardwood floor on blankets.
Tommy and his crew were quite heavy all together on the blankets but we made it work. We have a pretty funny video of Logan doing it too but no photos sadly.
There was limited couch space there and I thought it was so funny when I saw Logan squished on the end of the couch trying to read his book. He has been reading Les Mis when we go to my parents.
While waiting for the prayer to be said Elsy and Tommy were getting a little impatient because they were quite hungry. I looked over to see Elsy with a wooden pilgrim centerpiece pinned down, trying to cut it up with her knife and fork. Logan leaned over and told her, "We aren't that hungry!" I just love the determination on her face!
Of course our kids, despite being starving, ate practically nothing of their Thanksgiving feast.
We spent the rest of our weekend shopping and playing Mario. It is always fun to catch up with my sisters. We had a bridal shower for my cousin Mitch's fiance, Emily and I got to see my uncle Kyle for the first time in years. My Grandma Volmer organized a family baptism session at the temple and Logan and I got to do baptisms for the first time since before we were married. It was really special for me because it was the first time for me going to do names that I had found myself. It was a special experience and we are excited to do the rest of the ordinances for those family members on my Grandma Volmer's mother's line.
Sunday morning Bible Videos with Grandma!
In true holiday fashion all four of us got sick after spending so much time in close proximity to so many people. Elsy got the pukes, and the rest of us got terrible colds. Oh well. It was worth it.
We came back to rain. Yesterday I took the kids out for some fresh air after spending half a week indoors. We are excited to get our Christmas tree on Saturday (Costco is the place for real trees guys!!) and decorate it. We are also really looking forward to doing the Light the World advent calendar as a family. I printed of a ginormous tree from The Small Seed that has ornaments for each of the days and scripture references so as we participate we can decorate the tree as we go.
We are excited about what this Christmas season will bring. We hope we can share our testimonies a little and share the light of the gospel with others.