Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mummy's Day

Does your bathroom counter house the Disney princesses?

And if you have another bathroom does it look like this?  (Complete with stickers, candy jar incentives, and wipes on the back of the toilet?)

Do you keep a stash of Sandra Boynton books next to your bible in your night stand?

Are all your Netflix recomendations shows like Daniel Tiger, Tinkerbell Secret of the Wings, or Hercules?

Hmm, you must be a mom.  At least, thats what I keep thinking as I decide to go to the park instead of doing the dishes... or settle down for an episode of Drop Dead Diva after the kids are finally in bed instead of cleaning all the toys up that are splayed between me and the television.  

Just a week ago I spent over an hour at the grocery store balancing an oversized carseat on one end of the shopping cart peeping over the top and around the sides making sure I didn't run into anyone/anything while keeping the toddler in my basket from grabbing everything within reach... only to find out I left my debit card on the counter at home.

How is it that I wake up at 6:30 every morning, but am not showered and ready for the day until at least 10am?  I can't think of what I did, I tell my husband, but I know I was doing SOMETHING!

What was I thinking potty training a 22 month old?  What was I thinking letting Elsy paint in the garage next to me with her waterproof paint while I used my grown up?  Didn't I know she would find the can I wasn't using and pour it all over her legs?  Why do I even try to keep up my hobbies?!  Why do I try to make anything for dinner besides chicken dinosaurs?  

I think I am going crazy.

On Friday, I realized I had had it.  I hadn't slept much the night before and was looking forward to a long nap while the kids slumbered peacefully in their beds at the same time.... riiiiiight.  Instead I found myself on the floor frantically rocking Tommy in his carseat to no avail (the last resort, he usually alwasy falls asleep in his carseat!) in dire hopes of getting some sort of shut eye before Elsy woke up from her nap.  As I watched the precious minutes slipping by I finally realized there would be no sleep for me that day.  And as that realization set in, the tears came.  And they came and came.  
I started thinking about my mom and wondered, did she ever sit on the floor crying because she couldn't take it anymore either?  And I started thinking about all the moms I know and wondered if they all had done that... and I realized they probably had.  

Being a mom is hard.  I remember when Logan and I were deciding wether or not to start having kids I went to church one day and saw all the moms there and thought, "I can do that!".  Back then, I didn't realize it, but I saw having kids almost like having cute little accessories that I could take with me, get compliments on, dress up all cutsy, and just have a merry ole skippy life with.  Now I realize it is so SO much more than that.  Last week at church I heard someone say, "Parenting is joy, not fun."  I couldn't agree with that more.  Although there are fun moments every day, for the most part parenting is pure grit.  But it is so rewarding and can make you feel so much joy and love.  Strange how it works that way.

While sitting on the floor Friday, having one of my 'meltdowns' as I fondly call them, I realized how much I appreciated my mom for all she has done for me.  There is no way to really appreciate a certain part of what your mother has done for you until you are actually a mother yourself.  Dear Mom, you are a rockstar.  

Since it is Mother's Day,  I thought I would say thank you to some of the more prominant women in my life.  Some of the women are relatively new while some I have known all my life.  To all the women out there who have helped support me, teach me, and love me, I say "thank you"!

First, my mommy.

My mom is the reason I grew up wanting nothing more that to be a mom myself.  I have never, ever wanted to be anything more than a mom.  And whenever I face a challenge while parenting I think, "Well, how did Mom do it?"  

My mom taught me to sew, play the piano, cook bread, clean a toilet, shave my legs, crochet, make my bed, read, and do my times tables.  She also taught me that modesty matters, family will always be there for you, and that living the commandments and standards of the gospel bring happiness.

My mom always took naps growing up.  But every time I snuck into her bedroom during naptime to ask her a question or to grab something out of the closet she was either reading her scriptures or sleeping next to an open Ensign.  I am grateful for that example.  Now I make my scripture study time a priority during nap time and I have grately benefited from that habit.

My mom loves my dad.  There is no question about that.  When Dad got home from work she always gave him a big kiss in the kitchen.  "Blek!" we would say.  But I always knew my parents loved each other.  She also loves each of us kids.  Each first day of school she cried.  To me, that explains how much she likes to be around us.

My mom told me she wanted me to feel comfortable enough to come to her for questions I had about things instead of my friends.  I always did feel comfortable enough.  My mom was always understanding, whether it was about mistakes I made, girlfriend woes, or boy trouble.. my mom always leant an ear and gave expert advice.  

I could go on and on about my Mom.  She loves the Lord and she loves her family.  I hope to one day be just like her.

My mother-in-law Natalie:

I love this picture of Natalie because it just fits her personality to me.  Natalie is so soft spoken and kind.  She is a very thoughtful person and I have benefitted from that many times.  Sometimes I will find an email in my inbox from her that says just what I needed to hear that day.  She is so in tune with the Spirit and is always willing to share.  I haven't been around for much of her parenting time, but I do know that all her kids turned out fantastic, especially my husband ;)  And I know that kids don't turn out like that without some amazing parents.  Natalie is an exceptional grandma and mother.  I am so grateful for her example.

My Grandma Volmer (Dad's Mom):

Grandma Volmer has taught me the importance of going to the temple.  She works there all the time!  I used to work for her on Saturday mornings cleaning her house.  I loved to listen to her old country music while I dusted the bookshelves and vaccumed the floors.  Grandma Volmer is an amazing quilter and gave me some tips when I decided to make my own quilt.  Grandma's house is always a place I feel welcome and is a hub for the whole family.  Every summer my cousins and I would walk to her house after going to Free Swim at Garden Park Pool.  I love all the songs she taught us.  She lives next door to my parents house now and I love going over there for a chat.  There is always something new to learn from her. A trait I would like to take from her is that she never complains.  :)

Grandma Merkley (Mom's mom):

Grandma Merkely is the most selfless person I know.  She is always working, trying to help other people.  She is always in her white tennis shoes and to me those always were a symbol of her getting down to business every day.  She is also an amazing seamstress and I go to her for all my sewing questions.  I used to love climbing her tree when  I was little and she always had a cookie in the cookie jar when we came by.  I am always learning from her as well.  Grandma raised some happy people and I am so glad because every time I go over there, the house is full of laughter and fun stories.

Grandma Atkin (Logan's Grandma):

From the first time I met Mary Ann, I just felt like she was my very own grandma.  And Logan and I weren't even dating yet!  I remember meeting her and thinking everything about her felt welcoming and familiar.  She has a way of loving and accepting everyone.  She is so generous and kind.  If I am a grandma like her someday, I know I will be so will my grandkids!  I also love playing cards with her.  She is so smart and is always keeping her mind active.

Grandma Bean (Logan's grandam):

Grandma Bean always has a smile on.  She reminds me a lot of my Grandma Merkley actually!  Grandma Bean has set an example to me on the importance of geneology work.  She has so many stories and is so willing to share her testimony.  I found a little book of Logan's that she made for all her grandchildren.  In the book was a bunch of information about his grandparents, and great grandparents up to several genenrations back.  I used it to update our family tree online recently.  I was so grateful for that little book.  My patriarchle blessing talks about family history work.  I hope to learn a little more about that from her!


Mothers are amazing.  And even though there are challenging times, there are always times that make all the hard work worth it.

(Following my mommy's nap time routine example!)

Yay for moms!  Motherhood is not always glamorous, but it is always worth it. 

Motherhood = Joy