Monday, October 27, 2014

Quiet Book: Picking Wildflowers

Here are the quiet book pages I finished this weekend.  My mom had a page like this to help practice with buttons and I used to just love the flowers so I had to put a page just like it in my own book.

Just pick some wild flowers and put them in a vase!


had a terrible time with the button holes!  I haven't done them in so long and I messed one of the flowers up pretty bad.  But its not tooooooo noticable.  I was so pleased with the way it all turned out in the end. :)

Logan actually helped on this page by cutting out the vase.  I was having a really hard time trying to make it look symmetrical and I thought he did a mighty fine job.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Cupcake Crazy

Elsy's two favorite books right now are "Pinkalicious" and "Fancy Nancy and the Delectable Cupcakes".  Both books are basically about, well, cupcakes.  So after reading those books over and over Elsy has begun asking me for "caaaa-ca" a lot and doing her little "more" sign.  

Basically she wants cupcakes.  I don't want cupcakes in my house right now.  I have been trying hard to eat healthier this pregnancy in hopes of having a smaller baby (Elsy was just under 11lbs and the docs say next time is a C-section if I'm measuring big at all).  But when she started finding pictures of cupcakes in her other books and bringing them to me, I knew it was inevitable.  So, today we made "caaaa-cas".

Elsy enjoyed putting the paper cups in the tin and putting sprinkles on the cupcakes... one sprinkle at a time.  She is so cute.

I ate a little batter but haven't had a single cupcake....yet.  

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

This weekend we went to the pumpkin patch!

Mud galore (thank you Seattle) but we cracked out the rain boots and all was well. (Except for me because I had none. :(  But don't worry, I went shoe shopping that night!)

Elsy is so curious and loved pointing to the crows.  She even hugged a few pumpkins.

We ended up going to Fred Meyer after this and buying our pumpkins there instead.  We are cheapos but we loved the experience none the less. :P

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fresh Apple Cider

We were recently invited to a friends house to help press some apple cider.  We all had a blast, especially Elsy.  Of course, I forgot to crack the camera out until the very end but I still snapped a few pictures.

There were about six of these big buckets of apples and we would put them into the dark blue bucket to soak before cutting them and then putting them in the press.  Elsy spent nearly an hour running back and forth between apple bins and throwing apples into the water.  I didn't even have to show her how.

She was soaked, but who cares?  She couldn't have been happier. 

Logan worked the press while I cut apples.  We got some yummy cider out of the deal.  I realized on the way home Logan hadn't known we were pressing the apples.  I laughed and laughed because I realized I had said, "The Heywoods invited us over for Family Home Evening to drink homemade apple cider."  After saying he wished he had worn some boots he mentioned how much better things taste and feel when you have worked hard for them.  I think that can be something that we can apply to many areas of our lives.  

Despite the lack of boots, we all had a ton of fun. :)