Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Dessert Competition

This week my dad declared the requirement of a splendid dessert in exchange for a Christmas gift in December.  No dessert, no gifts.  After trying to bribe him with a previously bought Costco pumpkin pie and being rejected I decided to get down to business.

I made a cheesecake for Logan on Father's Day in 2012.  It wasn't very great and took all day but I knew my dad likes cheesecake so I simply found a new recipe.  It involved a pound and a half of cream cheese and another pound of sour cream and still took all day but it was worth it.  THIS cheesecake was a success!  It wasn't very pretty but it was extremely tasty!! (I didn't get a chance to take a picture of the whole thing because I came into the kitchen and found all the edges peeled off and already eaten while it was supposed to be cooling. Ugh)

The recipe can be found here.

I made my own berry sauce by heating up a bunch of blackberries from the yard and adding a lot of sugar and some lime juice (we didn't have lemon so I thought lime possibly could do the same thing?).  Anyway, it tasted divine.  I would invite you all to come over and have some... but it's all gone. :P

Friday, September 20, 2013


Today we are all sick. Elsy and I woke up with runny noses two days ago which slowly developed into low fevers and terrible colds.  Logan woke up this morning with the same.  We have been taking turns taking naps and watching Elsy.  Luckily she doesn't have it as bad as us because she still wants to play...snotty nose and all.  I am grateful for my sisters being so helpful in watching her while all I want to do is lay in bed, even if we probably acquired this plague from them in the first place!

I am telling myself everyday that tomorrow I will wake up better.  I'm bound to be right one of these days! Until then we will continue to take our various cold remedies, sleep, and let Elsy stay in her cute pajamas all day. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013


Welcome to the Bean family blog spot! 

In the back of my mind I have wanted to get this thing up and running and I finally wrangled my husband Logan into helping me out.  I am quite backward when it comes to these types of things so I am grateful for his help and support in getting this all going.

We are a little family.  Logan and I, Kayla, have been married for a little over two years and have a little girl named Elsy.  She is coming up on 5 months old and we are so happy to have her in our family.  This picture is a little old, Elsy was only 4 weeks, but its the only family photo we have as of right now. :)